- Welcome to the CP/M file area!
Check also the CP/M web sites at
http://museum.sysun.com/museum/index.html and
- Index of all directories under the /pub/cpm tree, text version.
- ALLDIRS.html
- Index of all directories under the /pub/cpm tree, HTML version.
- Index of all files under the /pub/cpm tree, text version.
- Index of all files under the /pub/cpm tree, HTML version.
- Information about archiving formats used on this area.
- MIRRORS.html
- List of public mirrors of this archive.
- README.html
- General information. READ THIS FIRST!
- archivers/
- ark11.com
- This archiver is for .ark files.
- compress.txt
- Compression techniques & some utilities
- cpmunarj.ark
- cpmunarj.readme
- Great program! Barebones un-arj'er which DOES NOT step on ZCCP
despite being a major memory hog.
- crc32a.arc
- util to generate CRC32A checksums
- crck44.com
- Calculates CRC value for files
- crlzh20.lbr
- utility to create and dissolve .?Y?
- crunch.com
- LZW data compression utility
- crunch28.lbr
- create/dissolve CRUNCHED .?Z? files
- de-lbr.arc
- dissolve .LBR - need de-lbr.com
- de-lbr.com
- needed with de-lbr.arc
- delbr12.com
- Extracts files from LBRs
- lt31.pma
- lu310.com
- Library Utility version 3.10
- nswp207.arc
- nswp207.readme
- CP/M utility to copy file(s), rename file(s), squeeze, unsqueeze,
or view text files with.
- nulu15.arc
- handle .LBR's (modify,list,dissolve,etc.)
- pmautoae.com
- pmautoae.readme
- PMARC, creates and dissolves .PMA files, and extracts new-style
.LZH files (compression method -lh5-).
- sq-usq.arc
- sq-usq.readme
- SQ-USQ - CP/M utility to create/dissolve SQUEEZED .?Q? files.
- sq111.com
- Machine language SQueezer, very fast
- squeeze.txt
- Tutorial on SQueeze/UnSQueeze
- unarc16.pma
- UNARC for .arc files
- unarj.ark
- Decompress .ARJ archives under CP/M
- uncr-z80.com
- Z80 uncruncher for LZW compressed files
- uncr28.com
- CP/M utility to dissolve .?Z? files
- uncr8080.com
- uncr8080.txt
- 8080 uncruncher for LZW compressed files
- unzip18.pma
- UNZIP for .zip files
- usq120.com
- usq120.txt
- Unsqueezer for all CP/M systems by Dave Rand
- comm/
- Telecommunications and BBS software for the Commodore 128 CP/M
- bozbbs08.lbr
- bozbbs08.readme
- Neat little board for CP/M. C128 use requires the BYE510 daemon
for C1670 or other C128 set-up.
- c128sys.ark
- C-128 system for use with BBS
- cp4-c128.lbr
- cp4-c128.readme
- KERMIT 4.05 for the Commodore C-128
- m7-c1660.aqm
- MDM7 overlay--C128, 1650/1660 modem
- m7-c1670.aqm
- MDM7 overlay for C128 and 1670 modem
- pbbs8com.ark
- C-128 PBBS COM files for A0: & A14:
- qterm.lzh
- A terminal program that is capable of Digital VT100 emulation and
knows the Kermit and Xmodem protocols. Swiftlink patches are included.
- uucode.lbr
- uuencode and uudecode for CP/M
- bye/
- b5c8-2.iqs
- b5c8-2.readme
- b5c8-2e.iqs
- BYE terminal program in SQUEEZE format. See also the readme file for
the required C128 patches.
- bye128.lbr
- bye128.readme
- BYE128 - C=128 CP/M terminal program
- bye1670e.lbr
- bye1670e.readme
- BYE1670E - C=128 CP/M terminal program
- c128bye.ark
- C-128 BYE for PBBS on A: drive
- imp/
- IMP is an RS-232 terminal program.
- 12func.com
- 12func.txt
- A utility that can be used to change any of the 10 function key
assignments for the IMP modem program.
- 12lib.com
- 12lib.txt
- I2LIB permits the user to quickly and very easily change the tele-
phone numbers in the IMP phone library.
- i2c8-2.azm
- IMP Overlay - Commodore C128
- imp-c8.com
- IMP245 configured for Commodore C128
- imp.com
- A version of IMP, presumably for the Commodore 128
- mex/
- Modem EXecutive is a CP/M terminal program.
- c128-mex.com
- MEX 114 set up for the C-128
- mex-c128.lbr
- MEX configured for C128 CP/M. Includes documentation and C128
specific information.
- mex.hlp
- Help file for use with MEX114
- mexhelp.dzc
- A short tutorial on MEX.COM
- mload25.czm
- Easy user overlay patching for MEX
- mxm-c128.aqm
- MEX overlay - Commodore C-128
- mxo-c128.aqm
- MEX overlay - Commodore C-128
- zmodem/
- cork10.lbr
- Console graphics filter for ZMP
- rzmp-src.lbr
- Source code of ZMODEM for RCP/M systems
- rzmp13.lbr
- ZMODEM for RCP/M systems
- rzmplog4.lbr
- Log processing for RZMP
- zmo-1805.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- SB180-FX
- zmo-al05.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- Altos 8000
- zmo-am05.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- Ampro Little Board
- zmo-bb05.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- BigBoard II
- zmo-bw05.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- Bondwell 12/14
- zmo-cp05.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- Amstrad CPC6128
- zmo-ep05.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- Epson
- zmo-h805.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- H89-H19
- zmo-h89.zz0
- ZMP Overlay for Heath-89 computers
- zmo-hp12.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- HP12X
- zmo-kp11.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- Kaypro computers
- zmo-kp12.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- Kaypro computers
- zmo-md05.zz0
- ZMP Overlay - Morrow MD3
- zmo-mh05.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- Morrow MD11
- zmo-mic5.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- Multitech MIC-500
- zmo-ot05.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- Otrona Attache
- zmo-ox05.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- Osborne exec
- zmo-r405.zz0
- ZMP 1.5 overlay for Tandy 4
- zmo-r415.zz0
- Tandy TRS80 Model 4/4p ZMP15 overlay
- zmo-rob5.zz0
- ZMP Overlay -- DEC Robin
- editors/
- Editors and text viewers for C128 CP/M
- c128tvx2.ark
- Full screen text editor
- editor.ark
- Doctor Dobb's screen editor w/ enhancements
- expres11.ark
- Full featured screen editor
- salias16.lbr
- SALIAS, Version 1.6 - Full Screen Alias Editor, April 28, 1992.
Create or edit ZCPR3 alias programs. Install the editor with SAINST.COM.
-- Rob Friefeld
- scan25.lbr
- SCAN25 is a text viewer for Z-System and ZCCP.
Randy Winchester (randy@mit.edu)
- v.lbr
- V.COM is a text viewer for Z-System and ZCCP.
Randy Winchester (randy@mit.edu)
- vdo-c128.lbr
- VDO memory based editor for C-128
- z80emacs.pma
- What else? Emacs for CP/M.
- zde16.pma
- A text editor.
- faq/
- compression.txt
- Compressing methods that are used in the CP/M.
- cpm-on-c128-1.txt
- cpm-on-c128-2.txt
- cpm-on-c128-3.txt
- cpm-on-c128-4.txt
- A four-part introduction "CP/M on the C128" by Noel Nyman.
- dos-cpm.txt
- Transferring files between MS-DOS and CP/M.
- transfering.txt
- Instructions on transferring files from CBM DOS disks to CP/M.
- printer/
- Printer utilities
- 801prt11.lbr
- 801prt11.readme
- MPS801 file printer version 1.0 by Matt Kimmel
This program sends two extra carriage returns to the printer after
it print the file, to make sure the last lines are printed.
It also filters out linefeeds.
- bradford.arc
- bradford.readme
- Get a lot more quality out of your old dot matrix. The Bradford fonts
are here! Supports Epson, IBM, and Star printers among others.
- programming/
- HiTech_C/
- HiTech C is a ISO 9899:1990 C compiler that produces Z80 code for use with
the Commodore 128's CP/M mode. It might work on other Z80 systems as well.
- A readme for HiTech C
- atob.c
- HiTech src ATOB encoder
- hitechc.txt
- Text file about HiTech C
- htc-ovl.lzh
- OVL file for HiTech C
- htc-ovl.pma
- libsrc.lzh
- src file for HiTech C
- libz01.lbr
- lib for HiTech C
- z80doc.lzh
- Document file
- z80v309.lzh
- HiTech CP/M C Compiler
- SteveGoldsmith/
- sgtool14.lzh
- sgtool14.readme
- A routine library for the HiTech C compiler.
- sgtool15.lzh
- sgtool15.readme
- A routine library for the HiTech C compiler.
- sgtool16.lzh
- sgtool16.readme
- A routine library for the HiTech C compiler.
- sgtool17.lzh
- sgtool17.readme
- A routine library for the HiTech C compiler.
- documents/
- Here you will find some documentation for CP/M, and for
Commodore 128 CP/M in particular. These documents were grabbed
from the Herne Data Systems CP/M page http://www.herne.com/cpm.htm,
renamed and rearchived.
- ccp-internals.gz
- Internal CCP commands
- console.gz
- The Console
- customizing.gz
- Customizing C-128 CP/M
- disk-system-details.gz
- CP/M Disk Format Details
- disk-system.gz
- The Disk system
- external commands.gz
- External utilities
- introduction.gz
- Intro to C-128 CP/M
- memorymap.gz
- C-128 CP/M Memory map
- sys/
- Platform dependent CP/M software
- c128/
- Here you will find Commodore 128 specific CP/M software.
- audio/
- Sound related software for the C128 CP/M
- sigmv800.ark
- SIG/M C128 CP/M sampler disk #1
- sigmv801.ark
- SIG/M C128 CP/M sampler disk #2
- zbdemo.lbr
- Z Blaster Digitized Sound Demo for C128-CP/M.
- zbkit10.zip
- Z Blaster 1.0 Play/Record/Import Digi-Sound Kit for C128-CP/M.
Note : Contains ZBF digis not found in zbkit20.arc.
- zbkit20.arc
- Z Blaster 2.0 Play/Record/Import Digi-Sound Kit for C128-CP/M.
Note : Contains ZBF digis not found in zbkit10.arc.
- demos/
- Demos for the C128 CP/M. As you see, these demos are quite different
from e.g. the C64 and plus/4 demos.
- mouse.lbr
- Joystick and Mouse Control demo for C128-CP/M.
- diskutil/
- Disk-related utilities for the C128 CP/M
- c8filcpy.lbr
- Copies files using virtual drive E:
- htk20.lzh
- Several utilities from Myklos Garamszeghy, the author of
Jugg'ler 128
- jugg34.lzh
- Jugg'ler 128. Gives C128 CP/M support for a lot more CP/M disk formats
- mkdir32.lbr
- mkdir32.readme
- MKDIR is used to edit existing named directory files and to create new ones.
- msdosem.lzh
- MSDOS.COM is a program for C128 CP/M that installs an MS-DOS
compatible disk system. You can use MS-DOS disks under CP/M. You can
not use this program to run MS-DOS software.
- rampak.ark
- rampak.dzc
- C128 ramdisk utils with PROFILE.SUB
- rampakd.ark
- Documents for RAMPAK Utilities
- rdms233c.lbr
- Read MSDOS disks on Commodore C128
- sd138b.lbr
- Super Directory 138b source.
- spzap128.ark
- C-128 full-screen disk editor
- trans12c.lbr
- Read/write/format/ren/del files in CP/M on MS/PC-DOS disks; hard coded to
drive A: (1571); Pascal source included
- unidrive.pma
- Gives C128 CP/M support for more CP/M disk formats
- games/
- Games for C128 CP/M
- blue.arc
- blue.readme
- C128-CP/M shoot em up action game for 80 column 16k VDC.
Arcade style graphics, digitized voice and guitar music.
Kill before you are killed.
- blueintu.arc
- blueintu.readme
- C128-CP/M interlace 64k VDC upgrade for blue.arc.
- catchu.com
- PacMan type game for C128 CP/M
- catchu.dat
- High Score data file for Catchu
- graphics/
- Graphics related utilities for the C128 CP/M
- ched80.lbr
- ched80.readme
- Character font editor for 80 column VDC on C128-CP/M
- ibmfont.lbr
- IBM font for C128-CP/M.
- intlace.lbr
- Interlace demo for C128-CP/M. VDC-16k or 64k supported.
- kaypro.rsx
- KAYPRO video routines for C-128
- mmplay11.arc
- Multimedia Player for C128 CP/M. Views PCX and digitized SID stuff...
Allows you to mix and match PCX screens with digis.
- pcxslide.zip
- PCX slide show demo for 80 col VDC on C128-CP/M.
- pcxv11.arc
- PCX Graphics Viewer for C128 CP/M
- pcxview.arc
- PCX Graphics Viewer for C128 CP/M
- tbohires.pzs
- 80 column graphics
- vdcpcx1.arc
- PCX Graphics Files for C128 CP/M
- vdcpcx3.arc
- PCX Graphics Files for C128 CP/M
- zmmedia.lbr
- "Multimedia" presentation demo for C128-CP/M. Uses PCX and ZBF files.
- patches/
- Here are some obsolete patches for the Commodore 128 CP/M system.
The newest system version is in the ../system/ directory.
- asciisys.lbr
- asciisys.readme
- ASCIISYS.COM is a program which will modify the 12/6/85 CPM+.SYS
to accommodate standard ascii printers and print buffers.
- bdosrep.lbr
- Updates your CP/M BDOS. You can either re-assembler your BDOS,
or run a program included in this file to update it.
- bios-r62.lbr
- bios-r62.readme
- This is release #2 of CP/M Plus BIOS Revision 6 for the Commodore 128.
- c128-new.doc
- c128-new.irv
- A C128 CP/M CPM+.SYS upgrade (modem support)
- c128cnf3.lbr
- This LBR contains the Commodore C128 CP/M configure program, dated
21-Jan-86. This version replaces earlier CONF programs.
Also, an error in PRINTER.HLP has been corrected.
- c1571-2.com
- Commodore C128 disk write speedup #2
- fastbios.pma
- fastbios.readme
- A BIOS patch that accelerates e.g. the screen output.
- format2.com
- format2.doc
- FORMAT2.COM - C128 CP/M FORMAT PROGRAM - Released by Commodore 1 May 1986
- format81.lbr
- Format the 1581 on C128 under CP/M
- newsys.com
- Upgrades the C128 CP/M CPM+.SYS file. See also c128-new.doc.
- system/
- 28may87-1.d64.gz
- 28may87-2.d64.gz
- C128 CP/M boot disk version 28 May 87. Side 1 is the boot disk itself and
side 2 has other system utilities. In side 2 there is also a file named
ZPM+.SYS which is CPM+.SYS with ZPM3 installed. You have just to rename it
to CPM+.SYS and replace the original one. Get the zpm3n10.pma file for
knowing more about ZPM3. These disks are quite different from the ones
shipped by Commodore.
- 28may87s.pma
- Source code for the 28 May 87 version of C128 CP/M
- bootu9.txt
- Instructions for booting CP/M from devices 9, 10 and 11
- cpm+sys.pma
- 28 May 87 CPM+.SYS
- cpmfast.zip
- A speed-improved and generally-fixed (also Y2K fixed) CP/M distribution
for the C128. Uploaded by the author, Linards Ticmanis.
- format.pma
- 8 June 87 version of FORMAT.COM (formats 1581 disks)
- setpth10.lbr
- setpth10.readme
- SETPATH is used to set the Command Search Path for Z3Plus and ZCCP.
- sysutils.pma
- Utilities: SID, RMAC, MAC, LINK, etc.
- zccp0293.pma
- Simeon Cran's free ZCPR-like system for CP/M Plus
- zccpc128.pma
- ZCCP configured for the C128 CP/M
- zpm3n10.pma
- zpm3n10.readme
- A more efficient BDOS for CP/M Plus. Written in Z80 code.
- zpmsys10.pma
- 28 May 87 CPM+.SYS with ZPM3 v10 installed
- utils/
- clock128.lbr
- clock128.readme
- Use RightTime clock to set C128 time
- crr0160.lzh
- Latest version of CRR, an offline reader supporting QWK and XRS formats.
You'll also need a text editor, archivers and unarchivers.
- crrpatch.com
- Patch for correcting a bug in CRR 1.60 which displays some incorrect dates.
- date2000.lzh
- Allows entering dates after the year 2000
- key128-3.lbr
- This LBR contains LOADKEY3.COM and SAVEKEY3.COM, utilities that load
or save keyboard definition files for C128 CP/M.
- ql.com
- Quick Look - very good utility to browse text files in library (.LBR)
files, can handle crunched files and can also selectively
extract/uncrunch any files from a library.
- rdcbm21.pma
- Reads CBM disks on 1541/1571 drives and transfer files to CP/M
- rootsm.arc
- Trace back your ancestry up to 99 Generations....SHEESH!
- vde-c128.ark
- VDE266 for the Commodore C=128
- vdejus12.lbr
- VDE justify-text module.....finally!
- texts/
- Here are some C128 CP/M related text documents. Some of them are
compressed using CP/M specific programs, which you can find in the
../archivers/ directory.
- c128beta.rzp
- C128 CP/M+ Beta-Tester's report
- c128cmpt.dzc
- Disk/Data transfer programs for C128
- commodor.tyt
- Comments on different formats that C=128 CP/M can handle
- commodor.tzt
- Commodore/Kaypro compatibility
- cpmprmr1.tqt
- CP/M+ Primer -- The DIR command
- cpmprmr2.tqt
- CP/M+ Primer -- Part 2
- cpmprmr3.tqt
- CP/M+ Primer -- Part 3
- giunti.tqt
- Conference transcript of 10/29/86
- new2cpm.doc
- Getting started with CP/M.
- pip-help.tzt
- Help for using the PIP command.
- rdskinfo.doc
- How to set C128 ramdisk drive letter
- whycpm.doc
- Article on C128 CP/M+ features
- wordstar.iqf
- Customizing WordStar on the C-128
- ws-c128.azm
- Set C128 video attr/delays for WS4.0
- transfer/
- 22dsk139.readme
- 22dsk139.zip
- Reads and writes different CP/M disk formats on MS-DOS.
- dos4cpm.readme
- dos4cpm.zip
- Utilities for processing different CP/M archives on MS-DOS.
- pipmodem.doc
- Documentation for PIPMODEM.ASM, a small patch for the PIP command so that
it can be used to copy files over a serial connection.
- uudecode.com
- Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary
- uuencode.com
- Convert binary files to ASCII
- zutils/
- These utilities are for the Z system.
- c128-xgr.lbr
- c128-xgr.readme
- C128-XGR.LBR contains a new Z3 Termcap for the Commodore 128
with C128 line graphics. Programs like ZDT12+ will print line
graphic boxes.
- lbrhlp22.lbr
- Utilities for displaying ZCPR3 HLP files, which may be stand-alone or
within libraries, and may be crunched, squeezed, or uncompressed.
Version 2.2 has a couple of new navigation commands, adds help file
documentation, and is slightly smaller.
- zdb18c.lbr
- zdb18c.readme
- ZDB (ZCPR3 DataBase) is a small (8K), very fast and easy to use
name and address database manager that can print envelopes and labels.
Requires a VLIB4D+ graphics Z3TCAP. See ZDBxx.HLP.
- zdt12p.lbr
- ZDT is the Z-System Day Timer application (also runs under ZCCP).
- zf10q.lbr
- ZF is the ZFiler file maintenance shell for Z-System and ZCCP.
- zman-new.lbr
- zman-new.readme
- This is the Z-System Users Guide published by Echelon in 1986.
Mirror sites
General information
File types