CPM5.TXT rev 2a 96-11-01 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THIS DOCUMENT IS COPYRIGHT (C) 1988, 1996 BY HERNE DATA SYSTEMS LTD. THE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN MAY BE FREELY USED FOR PERSONAL INFORMATION ONLY. IF YOU REPRODUCE IT, THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE MUST NOT BE REMOVED. THIS MATERIAL MAY NOT BE EXPLOITED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Herne Data Systems Ltd., PO Box 250, Tiverton, ON N0G 2T0 CANADA. Voice/fax 519-366-2732, e-mail herne@herne.com internet: http://www.herne.com * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The C-128 CP/M Disk System ========================== In order to understand how CP/M disk operations work, a brief discussion of the CP/M disk organization would be useful. Most of the following discussion applies to all CP/M based systems, not just the C-128. One of the nicer points about CP/M is that once you get beyond the BIOS, which deals with hardware specific interfaces, the remainder of the system is virtually hardware independent. That is what makes properly designed CP/M programs almost universally portable. Disk Organization The CP/M disk is generally divided up into two main areas: the "system tracks" and the "data area". The system tracks, which vary in size depending on the computer, are used to contain some of the boot code required for initially starting up CP/M. This area is not normally used by CP/M once the system has booted, but may be hold flags or other indicators which tell the BDOS which of several kinds of disks it may be dealing with. The data area is subdivided into the "directory" and the "user area". The user area is where the program and data files are kept. The Directory The name of the files and their location on the disk is recorded in the "directory". This is a special area set aside on the disk which is never used for file storage. The directory contains the maps by which the BDOS can find the specified files amongst the large amounts of (at least temporarily) irrelevant data that abounds in most sectors of the disk. The importance of the directory cannot be overstated. Without it (for example if it were to become corrupted or overwritten accidentally), data from individual files may be lost forever. Of course, you could try to reconstruct the files by searching through the disk for pieces of each file (they may or may not occupy adjacent areas on the disk), but this is a very tedious task. Believe me, I know from experience!! Although the exact location on the disk varies according to the applicable CP/M disk format, the directory always takes the same shape in the form of a series of 32 byte entries which contain the following data: For a User File: Byte Meaning 0 0 - F User Area; or E5 Scratched or unused entry 1-8 file name in ASCII capitals, left justified, padded with ASCII spaces ($20's). The high bit of these positions is used to record file special attributes according to: Bytes 1 to 4 Bit 7=1 for user defined attributes 1 to 4 Bytes 5 to 8 Bit 7=1 for system interface attributes (used by BDOS) 9-11 file type in ASCII capitals, left justified, padded with ASCII spaces ($20's). The high bit (bit 7) of these positions is used to record the file's "attributes" according to the following usage: Byte 9 Bit 7=1 for READ/ONLY file Byte 10 Bit 7=1 for SYSTEM FILE Byte 11 Bit 7=1 for ARCHIVE 12 directory extent 15 number of 128 byte records in this extent (maximum hex $80) 16-31 file allocation table. If there are less than 257 allocation units on the disk, then the numbers are treated as 8 bit; while if there are greater than 256 AU's, the numbers are 16 bit in lo/hi byte format. (numbers of logical AUs used by file, unused locations set to 0) For a password entry: Byte Meaning 0 $10 + user number 1-11 Filename and extension 12 Protection mode: Bit Meaning when set 7 READ protection 6 WRITE protection 5 DELETE protection 13 File password XOR mask encryption key. XOR mask value is calculated from sum of (ASCII code of un-encrypted password character - 32). 16-23 8 byte XOR encrypted password, right justified, padded with leading encrypted spaces in unused locations. For a directory label: Byte Meaning 0 $20 Flag meaning entry is a disk volume label 1-11 directory label in ASCII capitals, left justified, padded with ASCII spaces. 12 label data byte: Bit Meaning when set 7 files require passwords 6 perform: access time stamping 5 update " " 4 create " " 0 label exists 13 Directory password XOR mask encryption key (same as for file passwords) 16-23 8 byte XOR encrypted password, right justified, padded with leading encrypted spaces in unused locations. 24-27 Creation time stamp (same format as time stamps used below) 28-31 Update time stamp. For a Date/Time stamp: Byte Meaning 0 $21 flag for date/time stamp 1-10 Stamps for entry #1 11-20 Stamps for entry #2 21-30 Stamps for entry #3 Stamp sets have following structure: Offset Meaning 0-3 Create or Access stamp 4-7 Update stamp 8 Password mode 9 (reserved) For each individual stamp: Offset Meaning 0 - 1 Date in days since 1 JAN 78, from $58-59 of SCB 2 Hour in BCD, from $5A of SCB 3 Minute in BCD, from $5B of SCB CP/M filenames consist of two parts: a 1 to 8 character primary name and an optional 0 to 3 character secondary name, usually called a file type. The file type generally is a standard combination of three characters, such as BAS for a BASIC program source code, TXT or DOC for a text file, etc. The conventions for naming the extension are not cast in stone but some standards are normally followed such as : COM is used only for an executable file; SUB is used for a SUBMIT batch file; SYS is used for the CP/M system file; and most CP/M assemblers produce files with the extension HEX or OBJ. In directory listings and documentation, the two parts of the filename are usually separated by a period (.) in the form of: "FILENAME.EXT" . Note, however, that the period is not included in the actual directory entry on the disk. If either the primary file name or the file type contains less than the maximum number of characters, the extra locations in the directory entry are padded with ASCII space characters (hex $20 or CHR$(32)). For example, the bytes representing the name "FILE.1" would appear in a directory entry as (decimal values): 70 73 76 69 32 32 32 32 49 32 32 F I L E (4 spaces) 1 (2 spaces) Note that the characters in a filename are converted to uppercase when they are parsed by the CCP. However, if you do direct file access (i.e. your program uses an external data file), you can use lowercase in the filenames. You can even use non-printing control codes or other unusual characters in the name to give a small degree of protection to your data. Such files cannot be accessed from the built in CP/M commands, such as TYPE, and are difficult to copy with standard copiers, such as PIP, which go through the filename parsing routine to convert to uppercase before attempting to open the file. If lowercase is present, no filename match will be found. Some programs, such as older versions of MBASIC, allow you to distinguish between upper and lower case in filenames. For example, opening the file "file.1" is not the same as "FILE.1". "FILE.1" can be viewed with the TYPE command and copied using, for example, PIP B:=A:FILE.1, while "file.1" cannot be accessed by either method. In addition, if you set the system flag in the name, it will not even appear in a normal directory listing. ALLOCATION UNITS Disk space for files is doled out by the operating system in lumps called "blocks" or "allocation units" (AU) of a fixed size, typically 1024 bytes (1k) for single sided disks, 2048 bytes (2k) for double sided disks, or sometimes 4096 bytes (4k) for large capacity 3-1/2 inch or 8 inch disks. Even if a file contains only 1 byte, an entire allocation unit will be required. Unused space in an allocation unit cannot be used by other files, but can be used by the file to which it is assigned if more space is required for it. (To complicate matters, the allocation unit size does not depend on the physical disk sector size, but fortunately none of this is of concern to the casual user). The directory always occupies at least AU 0, usually AU 1 as well, and possibly more depending on the amount of space that has been reserved for the directory. A 1k AU can hold 32 entries, a 2k AU 64 entries, and a 4k AU 128. Although it is by no means 'cast in stone', two allocation units are normally reserved for the directory as a general rule. This gives 64 entries for a normal single sided disk and 128 entries for a double sided. The data area starts immediately after the directory area with the next AU number, normally AU 2. Each allocation unit is further divided into 128 byte chunks called "records". The record is the smallest directly addressable part of a file. As a file grows (such as by editing a textfile), records are added as required. If all space currently allocated to a file is taken up, another allocation unit is allocated. (8 records can fit into a 1k byte AU, 16 in a 2k AU or 32 in a 4k AU). A single CP/M directory entry has space for up to sixteen 8 bit allocation units or eight 16 bit AU's. If more are required to hold larger files, extra directory entries or "extents"are created for the file, each taking up an additional 32 bytes of space in the directory area. The directory entry keeps track of the current record count in the extent so that space can be added or deleted as required. Each allocation unit is composed of one or more physical disk sectors. The translation between logical allocation units and physical sectors is handled by the CP/M BDOS system using a sort of "translation table" called the DISK PARAMETER TABLE or DPT. This contains the data required to convert logical records and allocation units into physical locations on the disk and is completely transparent to user programs which see everything in terms of standard allocation units and records. The different physical disk formats obviously require different values for the translation parameters. Once these values are set for a given disk format, the user need not be concerned what the physical disk format is because all disk operations will be adjusted automatically. The Disk Parameter Table One of the nicest features of C-128 CP/M mode is its ability to read and write many "foreign" disk formats when used with a 1571 or 1581 disk drive. This ability is built right into the operating system, so no special user programming is required to access this feature. In addition, with a bit of knowledge of disk formats, you can easily add support for virtually any CP/M disk format. You can even create custom formats of your own to keep your data away from prying eyes. The secret lies in knowing how the CP/M operating system recognizes different formats. ************************************************************ NOTE: The read/write heads on the 1581 3-1/2 inch drive are flipped compared to other computers. This means that what the 1581 thinks is side 0, the other computer takes as side 1, and vice versa. This makes reading 1581 disks very difficult on machines not equipped with a WD177x floppy disk controller chip (such as the IBM-PC). It also makes it difficult for a 1581 drive to read single sided disks produced on other hardware. ************************************************************ As mentioned above, information on the disk formats is stored in an area of the CP/M BIOS known as the "DISK PARAMETER TABLE" or DPT. The absolute location of the DPT depends on which version of the CP/M operating system is being used. Four official versions are currently in general use on the C-128, differentiated by the date displayed on the CP/M boot up screen. For the "1 Aug 85" version, the DPT is located from $d876 to $da75 in BANK 0 RAM. For the "6 Dec 85", and "8 Dec 85", versions, it is located at $d6bd to $d8bc; while for the "28 May 87" version, it is at $d860 to $da5f. For the May 87 version with VT-100 emulation enabled, the DPT is at $d891 to $da90. (In all cases, the DPT can be located by the vector at $fd46, which points to the start of the table.) Table 5-1 is a hex dump of the unmodified DPT (from memory). Normally, it is difficult to examine this from CP/M mode because it resides in BANK 0, while most programs which allow you to examine memory in CP/M mode work in BANK 1. (Recall that in CP/M, BANK 0 is used for the operatingsystem while BANK 1 is generally the user work space or "TRANSIENT PROGRAM AREA" (TPA)). As you can see, each entry is 32 bytes long and only 9 of the 16 available spaces are actually used. The 7 unused spots at the end of the table can be identified by the word "None" in the disk name field. These spots (or any of the other spots, if you do not wish to keep the disk format that it represents) can be filled with custom values. Each of the bytes in a disk parameter table entry has a specific meaning. These are outlined below. Many of the parameters are repeated in different forms in a number of spots in each DPT entry. This is for convenience sake as different parts of the CP/M operating system use the information indifferent ways. For clarity, I will number the bytes in each entry from 0 to 31. Bits are numbered 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0, with 7 being the high bit (MSB) and 0 being the low bit (LSB). Byte 0 is the root to the "problem" of recognizing a foreign disk format. It can be called a "media descriptor byte" because it is used to identify the physical format of the disk. It is this byte which gets examined when a disk is first read. If two or more entries in the DPT have identical values here, the disk format selection box will appear on the bottom of the screen asking you to choose the correct format. Although it is perhaps the most important, this byte is also very poorly documented. Each of the bits in the byte serves a specific function: Bit 7 is a flag which indicates whether or not to skip track 0 of the disk during a query. If it is set to 0 (the normal value), it means that track 0 of the disk is the same as the rest of the disk. If it is set to 1, track 0 has a different format from the rest of the disk. This may seem strange at first, but many MFM disks (such as Epson QX-10) are formatted differently, typically in single density, on track 0 than on the other tracks to maintain compatibility with older versions of their particular disk systems. Bit 6 & 5 indicate the physical sector size of the disk according to: 6 5 Sector size 0 0 = 128 bytes 0 1 = 256 1 0 = 512 1 1 = 1024 Bit 4 - 1 give an indication of the number of sectors per track. It is actually the binary representation of: (#sectors per track) - 4 Some typical values are: 4 3 2 1 sectors per track 0 0 0 1 5 = (1)+4 0 1 0 0 8 = (4)+4 0 1 0 1 9 = (4+1)+4 0 1 1 0 10 = (4+2)+4 1 1 0 0 16 = (8+4)+4 1 1 1 0 18 = (8+4+2)+4 Bit 0 gives the minimum sector number on side 0. If the value is 0, then sectors are numbered starting at 0. If bit 0 is set to 1, the sectors start at 1. Note that this scheme precludes the C-128 CP/M mode from reading some oddball types of disks which start number sectors at 128 or some other number which is greater than 1. Byte 1 is called the Disk Type Byte. It gives additional data on the logical structure of a disk. The bits have the following meaning: Bit 7 describes the disk type: 1 = MFM or 0 = GCR. This is always set to 1 for foreign (I.e. non- Commodore CP/M) disk types. Bit 6 gives insight into how the sectors on side 2 of a double sided disk are numbered: 0 = both sides numbered same 1 = side 2 sector numbers continue from side 1 For single sided disks, the bit should be set to 0. IBM-8 is an example of bit value set to 0. The sectors on both sides are numbered from 1 to 8. Kaypro IV is an example of the second side continuing from first. The sectors on the first side are numbered from 0 to 9 while the sectors on the second side are numbered from 10 to 19. This numbering scheme is sometimes referred to as a "long" or "extended" track Bit 5 & 4 give the sector size, as outlined above for bits 6 and 5 of byte 0. Bit 3 - 1 determine the order in which a double sided disk is filled. For a single sided disk, the bits should all be set to 0. For double sided disks, the bits have the following significance: 3 2 1 0 0 0 fill track by track, first side 0 then side 1 of same track then next track. This is sometimes called a 'cylinder' 0 0 1 fill track by track, even track #'s on side 0, odd on side 1. This is a variation of the cylinder scheme and is usually interchangeable with it when you take into account the number of records per logical track. 0 1 0 fill all side 0 then side 1. This is sometimes called an 'extended surface'. For MFM disks of this type, C-128 CP/M assumes that each side of the disk has 40 tracks. This may not be true in all cases as some older types use only 35 tracks per side. Bit 0 is a repeat of byte 0, bit 0 as described above. Bytes 2 and 3 are not normally used by many CP/M disk types. They represent a pointer to a sector skew table. The native MFM formats supported by C-128 CP/M do not use a software skew. Sectors are filled in numerical order on a given track such as 1, 2, 3, etc. In this case, both bytes are set to 0. If a skew table were used, bytes 2 and 3 would point to a table containing the order in which the sectors are filled such as 0, 3, 6, etc. The numbering of the sectors in the skew table always starts at 0, regardless of how the actual physical sectors are numbered. This table is often located in unused entries in the disk parameter table, but can be located anywhere in BANK 0 RAM. It is difficult to set up without a detailed knowledge of both the disk organization and a CP/M memory map for the specific CP/M version that you are using. In addition, several disk types with the same logical sector skew may share a single skew table. Bytes 4 to 20 represent a standard CP/M+ DPT entry, used by all versions of CP/M, not just on the C-128. Bytes 4 and 5 are referred to as the SPT. This is the total number of 128 byte records per logical track. It is a 16 bit word coded in low byte/high byte format. The size of the logical track depends on both the physical format of the disk and the order in which it is filled. For example, a single sided disk with 8 sectors per track, each 512 bytes, would have 32 records per track. A double sided disk of the same physical format may have either 32 (if the logical track includes only one side of the disk) or 64 (if the logical track includes both sides of the disk) records per logical track, depending on how the disk was filled (see bits 1 to 3 of the disk type byte). Byte 6 is called the BSH or block shift factor. It is equivalent to the logarithm in base 2 of the number of 128 byte records in a disk allocation unit or: LOG 2 (BLS/128). The values of BSH are given below with those for BLM. Byte 7 is the BLM or block mask. It is equal to 1 less than the number of 128 byte records in an allocation unit or: (BLS/128) - 1. Values for BSH and BLM are: BLS (Allocation unit size) BSH BLM 1024 3 7 2048 4 15 4096 5 31 8192 * 6 63 16384 * 7 127 Note: Block sizes marked with * are not normally used in floppy disk systems. The allocation unit size (BLS) is not a direct entry in the DPT but is calculated by the operating system from the BSH and BLM values. For disks with capacity of greater than 256 k bytes, a BLS of at least 2048 must be used. Byte 8 is the extent mask or EXM. This is equal to the maximum number of 16 k file extents that can be coded into a single directory entry. The maximum values are given below. Values of less than the maximum can be used, but this wastes directory space as some of the available spots in the file allocation table will not be used. A value of 0 must be used for disk systems which run under very old versions of CP/M. (For example, if you want to support a disk format than runs on a CP/M 1.4 machine.) BLS Typical EXM DSM < 256 DSM > 255 1024 0 - 2048 1 0 4096 3 1 8192 7 3 16384 15 7 Bytes 9 and 10 are a 16 bit word (DSM) representing the total number of allocation units on the disk minus 1, including the directory area, but excluding reserved system tracks (if any). The bytes are in low byte/high byte format. DSM can be calculated from: DSM = (net # tracks) * (# sectors/track) / (#sectors/allocation unit) where (net # tracks) is the total number of tracks on the disk, minus the reserved system tracks. Bytes 11 & 12 (DRM) are the total number of directory entries on the disk minus 1. For single sided floppy disks, the number of directory entries is usually 64 and double sided disks, 128. Therefore, byte 11 is usually either $3F (63) or $7F (127) while byte 12 is normally 0. The minimum number of directory entries is one AU worth, which is 32 for 1k AU's, 64 for 2k AU's, or 128 for 4k AU's. In theory, the maxmum number is 16 AU's worth, although in practice, except for very large fixed disks (i.e. many megabytes), this would rarely be used. For example, if 16 AU's were assigned to a directory for a disk with 2k AU size, you would have 1024 directory entries. While this may seem nice, consider that each directory entry represents a file that will occupy at least 2k of disk space (i.e. 1 AU). This implies a disk size of at least 2k x 1024 or 2 megabytes!! Using a directory of that size for a floppy disk is just a waste of space (the directory alone would consume 32k disk space). Bytes 13 & 14 (called AL0 and AL1) give the number of AU's which are reserved for directory use. This is an inverted 16 bit number of the following format: <----- Byte 13 -----> <----- Byte 14 ------> Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Each position which is set to 1 (starting at position 0) indicates one allocation unit reserved for a directory block. Typically with 2 AU's reserved for the directory, this results in positions 0 and 1 being set, giving a value of $C0 for byte 13 and 0 for byte 14. Bytes 15 & 16 are called the directory checksum vector, CKS. The 16 bit value, in low byte/high byte order, is equal to (DRM + 1)/4. For 64 directory entries, byte 15 has a value of $10 (16), while for 128 directory entries it has a value of $20 (32). In both cases, byte 16 has avalue of 0. If the disk does not require check-summing (i.e. it is a 'non- removable' disk such as a hard disk or a RAM disk), then byte 16 is set to $80 and byte 15 is set to 0. Bytes 17 & 18 give the track number of the first directory sector (OFF). This is used for disk partitioning and to skip reserved system tracks at the beginning of the disk. Byte 17 is typically in the range of 1 to 4, while byte 18 is normally 0. To create your own custom disk format which uses all of the disk (i.e. no reserved system tracks), set both bytes to 0. Byte 19 is the physical sector shift factor or PSH. It is equal to: PSH = LOG 2({sector-size} / 128). Values are given below with PHM. Byte 20 is the physical sector mask or PHM. It is equal to: PHM = {sector-size} / 128 - 1 Physical sector size PSH PHM 128 bytes 0 0 256 1 1 512 2 3 1024 3 7 Bytes 21 to 31 are not part of a standard CP/M disk paramter table but are used by the C-128 version of CP/M. Byte 21 is the number of sectors on a physical track. Bytes 22 to 31 are an ASCII text string describing the disk name. This is the name which pops up in the disk selection box at the bottom of the screen when the system cannot decide what the disk format is. Otherwise, it is not used. Customizing your DPT What purpose does all of this detailed technical info serve,you ask? Well by playing with the values, you can get your C-128 to read and write the disks from your uncle Fred's ancient CP/M machine or you can create your own CP/M disk formats that no-one else can read to protect your data. The easiest way to change the DPT is by editing the CPM+.SYS file with a debugger utility such as SID.COM to load the CPM+.SYS file into memory, then change the indivdual bytes, and save the modified file. Each time you boot up CP/M in the future, you would have automatic support for these other disk formats. You could also change the parameters in RAM once the computer has been booted, but remember they are stored in BANK 0 RAM and will require special programming in the common area to do this. Try high RAM location starting at $fe00 for the location of such a program. This area is normally used as a disk buffer and is free for non-disk I/O programs which need common BANK 0/BANK 1 memory. Changing the parameters in RAM is only a temporary measure, while changing the CPM+.SYS file is permanent. Take your pick. The locations of the seven unused disk parameter table entries in the CPM+.SYS file when using SID are as follows: AUG DEC/MAY $1976 $1efd $1996 $1f1d $19b6 $1f7d $19d6 $1f9d $1a16 $1fbd $1a36 $1fdd $1a56 $205d The end of file (EOF) for the AUG version is $5D00, while for the DEC versions, it is $6400, $6300 for the MAY version, and $6500 for the MAY-VT version. These numbers will be needed later when re-writing the file. You should always use a backup work disk when doing these changes because your CPM+.SYS file will be changed permanently. Do not modify your original system disk!!! The disk parameter table entries begin at the bytes specified above, according to the byte parameters previously described. Select an unused spot then use SID's "D" command to display the memory at that location. For example, d1976 will display memory starting at $1976. If the display does not vaguely resemble the format of Table 5-1, then stop because you do not have the correct memory area. (Check to see that you have the correct version of CP/M then try again). These locations can be changed using SID's "S" command to the values for the new formats that you wish to support. Once the file has been changed, it can be saved again using SID's "W" command: wcpm+.sys,100,(EOF value) where (EOF value) is the one listed above for your CP/M version). In order to use your new format, you must do a cold reset (i.e. push the reset button or do a -. Table 5-2 contains the values for several disk formats which can be easily added to your system. The MAXI-71 and MAXI-81 formats are ones which wher developed specifically for the C-128 to take adavantage of the full disk capacity (about 396k for the 1571 and 796k for the 1581). These two formats use 1024 byte sectors, double sided, 5 sectors per track, numbered 0 to 4. To create disks for these new formats, you will need to use an external disk definition program, such as JUGG'LER-128, which provides read; write and formatting support for over 140 types of CP/M disks. Table 5-1: The unmodified C-128 CP/M disk parameter table D876 39 91 00 00 40 00 04 0F 01 97 00 7F 00 C0 00 20:9...@......_.@. D886 00 02 00 01 01 10 45 70 73 6F 6E 20 51 58 31 30:......Epson QX10 D896 CD A1 00 00 50 00 04 0F 01 BD 00 7F 00 C0 00 20:M!..P....=._.@. D8A6 00 02 00 02 03 0A 45 70 73 6F 6E 20 51 58 31 30:......Epson QX10 D8B6 49 A5 00 00 20 00 03 07 00 9B 00 3F 00 C0 00 10:I%........?.@.. D8C6 00 01 00 02 03 08 20 49 42 4D 2D 38 20 53 53 20:......IBM-8 SS D8D6 49 A5 00 00 20 00 04 0F 01 9D 00 3F 00 80 00 10:I%........?.... D8E6 00 01 00 02 03 08 20 49 42 4D 2D 38 20 44 53 20:......IBM-8 DS D8F6 4C E2 00 00 28 00 04 0F 01 C4 00 7F 00 C0 00 20:Lb..(....D._.@. D906 00 01 00 02 03 0A 4B 61 79 50 72 6F 20 49 56 20:......KayPro IV D916 4C E0 00 00 28 00 03 07 00 C2 00 7F 00 F0 00 20:L@..(....B._.p. D926 00 01 00 02 03 0A 4B 61 79 50 72 6F 20 49 49 20:......KayPro II D936 63 B1 00 00 28 00 03 07 00 B8 00 3F 00 C0 00 10:c1..(....8.?.@.. D946 00 03 00 03 07 05 4F 73 62 6F 72 6E 65 20 44 44:......Osborne DD D956 4B A3 00 00 20 00 04 0F 01 9D 00 3F 00 80 00 10:K#........?.... D966 00 01 00 02 03 08 20 20 53 6C 69 63 65 72 20 20:...... Slicer D976 39 91 00 00 40 00 04 0F 01 8F 00 7F 00 C0 00 20:9...@......_.@. D986 00 04 00 01 01 10 45 70 73 6F 6E 20 45 75 72 6F:......Epson Euro D996 FF 80 00 00 50 00 04 0F 01 BD 00 7F 00 C0 00 20:_...P....=._.@. D9A6 00 02 00 02 03 08 20 20 20 4E 6F 6E 65 20 20 20:...... None D9B6 FF 80 00 00 50 00 04 0F 01 BD 00 7F 00 C0 00 20:_...P....=._.@. D9C6 00 02 00 02 03 08 20 20 20 4E 6F 6E 65 20 20 20:...... None D9D6 FF 80 00 00 50 00 04 0F 01 BD 00 7F 00 C0 00 20:_...P....=._.@. D9E6 00 02 00 02 03 08 20 20 20 4E 6F 6E 65 20 20 20:...... None D9F6 FF 80 00 00 50 00 04 0F 01 BD 00 7F 00 C0 00 20:_...P....=._.@. DA06 00 02 00 02 03 08 20 20 20 4E 6F 6E 65 20 20 20:...... None DA16 FF 80 00 00 50 00 04 0F 01 BD 00 7F 00 C0 00 20:_...P....=._.@. DA26 00 02 00 02 03 08 20 20 20 4E 6F 6E 65 20 20 20:...... None DA36 FF 80 00 00 50 00 04 0F 01 BD 00 7F 00 C0 00 20:_...P....=._.@. DA46 00 02 00 02 03 08 20 20 20 4E 6F 6E 65 20 20 20:...... None DA56 FF 80 00 00 50 00 04 0F 01 BD 00 7F 00 C0 00 20:_...P....=._.@. DA66 00 02 00 02 03 08 20 20 20 4E 6F 6E 65 20 20 20:...... None Note: The address range given above is for the "1 Aug 85" version of the CPM+.SYS file. The "6 Dec 85" and "8 Dec 85" start at address D6BD, while the "28 May 87" version starts at D860 and the MAY-VT version starts at D891. Table 5-2: Disk Parameter Table values for selected new disk formats (Note: all values are in hex) Disk Format ------+-----------+-------------+-------------+---------+-------þ--+--------+ +XEROX 16-8 + OLYMPIA ETX +OLYMPIA EX100+TELEVIDEO+ MAXI-71 + MAXI-81+ Byte# + DS + SS + DS + DS + DS + DS + ------+-----------+-------------+-------------+---------+-------þ--+--------+ 0 4b 4b 4b 3d 62 62 1 a5 a5 a3 91 b0 b0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 24 24 24 48 50 50 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 3 4 4 4 4 7 f 7 f f f f 8 1 0 0 0 1 0 9 ae 9b ae bd c8 90 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 3f 3f 7f 7f 7f 7f 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 80 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 10 20 20 20 20 20 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 2 2 2 2 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 2 2 2 1 3 3 20 3 3 3 1 7 7 21 9 9 9 12 5 5 22 58 65 4f 54 4d 4d 23 65 74 2d 65 61 61 24 72 78 45 6c 78 78 25 6f 20 58 65 69 69 26 78 49 20 76 20 20 27 20 49 31 69 37 38 28 31 20 30 64 31 31 29 36 20 30 65 20 20 30 2d 20 20 6f 20 20 31 38 20 20 20 20 20 ------+-----------+-------------+-------------+---------+----------+--------+ Table 2 (con't) Disk Format +---------+----------+--------+--------+-----------+----------+ + NCR -DM + Zenith + Zenith + Zenith + TRS-80 IV + LOBO max + Byte# + DS + Z90 SS + Z100 DS+ Z100 SS+ SS + SS + ---------+---------+----------+--------+--------+-----------+---þ------+ 0 49 39 49 49 49 3c 1 a5 91 a3 a1 a1 90 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 20 20 20 20 20 24 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 3 4 4 3 3 7 f 7 f f 7 7 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 99 97 9b 97 9b a5 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 7f 7f ff 7f 3f 3f 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 c0 f0 f0 f0 c0 c0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 20 20 40 20 10 10 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 3 2 2 2 1 3 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 2 1 2 2 2 1 20 3 1 3 3 3 1 21 8 10 8 8 8 12 22 4e 48 48 48 54 4c 23 43 65 5a 5a 52 6f 24 52 61 20 20 53 62 25 20 74 31 31 2d 6f 26 20 68 30 30 49 20 27 20 20 30 30 56 20 28 20 39 20 20 20 20 29 20 30 44 53 20 20 30 20 20 53 53 20 20 31 20 20 20 20 20 20 ---------+---------+----------+--------+--------+-----------+---þ------+ The Disk Parameter Header The other major component of accessing disk drives is the extended disk parameter header or XDPH. This is the working area used by the BDOS for actual disk access. When a disk is logged in, the appropriate values are copied from the DPT to the XDPH for general use. The drive table address, which contains the vectors to the XDPH for each logical drive can be found at BIOS_BASE+D7. (This is not a documented vector location, however, but merely a point in the BIOS DRVTBL routine which happens to contain the address. The correct method to get the drive table address is to use the BIOS DRVTBL function call directly.) The DRVTBL is located at: CP/M Version DRVTBL Location AUG FB78 DEC FBD1 MAY FBD1 The DRVTBL contains a series of address pointers to the disk parameter header base address (DPH_BASE) for each logical drive (A: to P:). If a drive is not physically supported (drives F: to L: and N: to P:, and M:, when no RAM expander is present), the drive table vector value is 0000. The default DRVTBL vectors are: Vector points to: Drive AUG DEC MAY A: FA6E FA82 FA82 B: FAA5 FAB9 FAB9 C: FADC FAF0 FAF0 D: FB13 FB27 FB27 E: FB4A FB5E FB5E F: to L: <--------------NOT USED----------> M: NOT USED FB96 FB96 N: to P: <--------------NOT USED----------> For each drive the $37 byte long XDPH has the following format: DPH_BASE-A pointer to the sector write routine for this drive DPH_BASE-8 pointer to the sector read routine for this drive DPH_BASE-6 pointer to the login routine for this drive DPH_BASE-4 pointer to the initialization routine for this drive DPH_BASE-2 physical drive assigned to the logical drive. DPH_BASE-1 secondary disk type byte from byte 2 of DPT entry. DPH_BASE pointer to logical to physical sector skew table (0000 if none) DPH_BASE+2 9 bytes of scratch pad for use by BDOS DPH_BASE+B media flag: 0 if disk logged in, FF if disk has been changed DPH_BASE+C pointer to DPB values for this drive (contained later in entry) DPH_BASE+E pointer to CSV scratch pad area (used to detect changed disks) DPH_BASE+10 pointer to ALV scratch pad area (used to keep track of drive storage capacity) DPH_BASE+12 pointer to directory buffer control block (BCB) DPH_BASE+14 pointer to data BCB DPH_BASE+16 pointer to the directory hashing table DPH_BASE+18 bank for hash table DPH_BASE+19 DPT entry for this drive DPH_BASE+2A maximum sector number and MFM lock flag (bit 7 = 1 if locked) DPH_BASE+2B pointer to entry in master MFM DPT table